Life is not short, what is happiness?

Eleanor B
2 min readJun 13, 2022


I read somewhere that, “life is short, choose happiness.” I disagree, I say life is unpredictable, choose love. Because it’s from love that we find happiness. Everyone says choose happiness but no one explains what happiness is. Caring is a source of happiness, forgiveness is exhilarating which in turn brings happiness, generosity brings about fulfillment hence…., all these activate the endorphins that bring about happiness among others.

Ps. I am hungry and that’s why i am going on and on!

Life only fills short because you feel unfulfilled, many people at their death bed regret and say choose yourself. Yes I agree because it’s from self edification that we then ably serve others as best as we can, which is the epitome of happiness. We think solitude and cutting toxic people or people generally off is happiness but no, it is an illusion of peace which in turn becomes emptiness because you feel unfulfilled, no it does not show there and then, it is progressive decay slowly but surely eating away at your mind, spirit, soul and eventually your body. The statement “No man is an island” is not only for troubling times.

When a plant bears fruit, the fruit is harvested and used to produce even greater things. If it is not harvested, it falls to the ground and rots but, even a rotting fruit serves as manure. Child or adult forget the doctrines of choose solitude for long term, cutting people off, these have been abused and their meanings changed for selfish gains.

Note: Self love is necessary because you can only say you love another if you know what love is and what better trial than loving yourself.

We claim, “ I love myself.” But we do not pay attention to what we feed our spirit or our body, what we read, what we eat. We say we love our-self but we hold grudges, are bitter and angry. We don’t even respect our-self, we let our-self be used and trampled on and complain but don’t change patterns or try to be above whatever is putting us down, you say you love yourself but you are not willing to commit to becoming a better version of yourself or giving our-self rest.

Please, don’t blame toxic people, don’t blame weather conditions or your parents or situations because at the end of the day, you may not be able to control who and what has access to you but, you have the power to decide what to do about the things that happen to you.

This happiness we are all chasing, what is it really?

On that note my faithful readers, I am going to look for food, feel free to leave a comment and any questions.



Eleanor B

Eleanor is a computer scientist in Kampala, Uganda. She lives &views life through a lens of an utterly radical sage and writes to unveil both the good and ugly.